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A Leader's Greatest Deception - Part II

After I had facilitated a two-day retreat for leaders, the senior executive who had hired me offered to drive me to the airport. Rather than replying that I would be happy to call a taxi, I accepted his offer.

The major item on his “agenda” was clear as soon as we drove . . . → Read More: A Leader’s Greatest Deception – Part II

How to Get and Stay Promoted

To say I was surprised by Ron’s call is an understatement; amazed by the call and its content is a much better description.

Ron, the director of operations for a Midwest company, had been a member of an executive team I worked with three years ago. He also happened to be a leader . . . → Read More: How to Get and Stay Promoted

Too Much of a Good Thing

The gnawing anxiety in the pit of my stomach kept me awake. I had invested all my savings in this entrepreneurial venture, borrowed money from friends, and was near the limit of my credit cards. The nightmare of losing my home also thundered in my brain.

It took me a few . . . → Read More: Too Much of a Good Thing

Leadership Development - Velcro or Teflon?

Does your leadership training stick?

How often have you or one of your team members attended an excellent leadership course, then returned to work and failed to apply what was learned? Of course, it happens to all of us. Why? There are a number of reasons why we often end up . . . → Read More: Leadership Development – Velcro or Teflon?

The Flamingo in the Black Leather Jacket – How Leaders Really Practice

She looked like a flamingo in a black leather jacket. Her left leg was planted on the floor; the bottom of her right foot was placed against the right inside of her left knee – the flamingo position. She was about 5’4″, 100 pounds; her short, brunette hair was pulled back in a ponytail. . . . → Read More: The Flamingo in the Black Leather Jacket – How Leaders Really Practice