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Why Leaders Say “Know” to New Year Resolutions

Many of us make those New Year resolutions, few of us keep them. We start out all fired up to lose a few extra pounds, spend less money, or spend more time with loved ones. Then something happens; we slip, we fall, we get caught up in the same old routine… In no time, the fire that fueled our New Year’s Spirit is a tumbleweed in the desert wind. Is there something you can do to strengthen your resolve to reach your destination? YES!

Most of us have good intentions when we make a New Year resolution. The problem is that we confuse unclear resolutions with S.M.A.R.T. goals. Starting the New Year with a foggy resolution is like setting sail for an uncharted island that you hope is out there… somewhere! In reviewing over 2,000 research studies, I discovered the most effective leaders (at home and work) just say KNOW to New Year resolutions, and yes to writing  S.M.A.R.T. goals:

Soul                – Are you in your goal?

Measurable    – How will you measure what matters?

Attainable       – Is your target out of sight?

Responsible    – Who is on your team?

Timed              – Do you have a date?


S – Soul. Are you in your goal? An acorn becomes an oak because that is its nature. Grass pushes through the sidewalk cracks because it’s expressing its true nature. The soul of a goal says you are here to nurture your nature. This means your goal should connect with who you are and encourage your ‘YOUnique’ talents to shine. We often fail to reach our New Year resolutions because we don’t hear what our soul whispers. Instead, we listen to well-meaning friends, coworkers, or the media advising us to set sail for destinations that do not capture our imagination. There is little soul in a goal when someone decides it for us. As you set sail this year, how will you (and members of your team) put soul in a S.M.A.R.T. New Year goal?

M – Measurable. How will you measure what matters? People often get sidetracked from their resolution because they don’t have a method of keeping track of their progress. A physician has her patient charts, a salesperson has his quotas, and sports have the scoreboard. If you really want to accomplish your S.M.A.R.T. goal this year, you need to monitor your success throughout the year.

A – Attainable. Is your target out of sight? I received a greeting card that read, ‘Shoot for the moon – if you miss you’ll be among the stars.’ The problem is, if you miss the moon, you could also end up lost in space! After analyzing 175 scientific studies on goal difficulty, Professor Locke from the University of Maryland concluded that hard goals lead to greater effort than easy goals, assuming the goals are accepted. Some people set their New Year resolution so far out there that they never fully accept them. If you can’t see yourself reaching your destination, science says you won’t have any ‘MOTORvation.’

R – Responsible. Who is on your team? The sun is setting on the individual goal achiever. We all need a little help to reach our destination. There’s just too much to know, too many obstacles to overcome, and it’s too easy to let ourselves stay down when we slip. Remember, even the Lone Ranger had Tonto, and in ‘The Lord of Rings,’ Frodo had Sam. Who do you have? The R in S.M.A.R.T. refers to people who are ‘Responsible’ for encouraging you and holding you accountable to reach your destination. These few allies are usually friends, coworkers, or family members who believe in you and your goals. Make sure you have someone to reach out to.

T – Time. Do you have a date? There is a reason the word, ‘deadline’ begins with dead. This last simple step announces to your subconscious that you’re dead serious about reaching your destination. It is not good enough to say you will accomplish your goal in six months; you must write a specific date and then review your S.M.A.R.T. goal every day.

Now you know why effective leaders just say ‘KNOW’ to a New Year resolution by saying yes to a S.M.A.R.T. goal. What is your S.M.A.R.T. goal for the year? How surprised will you be when you reach your destination because you had the strength of a palm tree in the desert wind?

Let me know how you’re doing. I’d love to hear from you.

Keep eXpanding,



FYI – The eXpansive Leadership Model (XLM) assessment provides feedback (via a 25-page report) regarding the 16 core competencies needed to meet goals. Learn more by going to http://xlmassessment.com/ .

3 comments to Why Leaders Say “Know” to New Year Resolutions

  • Reviews of BttB

    Searching for this for some time now – i guess luck is far more advanced than search engines :)

  • Travel n Blog

    Man I like this comment and it is so fabulous and I am gonna bookmark it. I Have to say the Superb analysis this article has is trully remarkable.Who goes that extra mile these days? Bravo!