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Leaders Pursue Happiness, Not Pleasure

Last week a leader commented on how surprised he was that so many of his recently retired colleagues were traveling so much. “Maybe they are confusing pleasure for happiness,” I replied.

“What is the difference between pleasure and happiness?”

I responded by sharing my belief that while pleasure is a feeling of enjoyment, happiness . . . → Read More: Leaders Pursue Happiness, Not Pleasure

The Leading Happiness Equation

“I thought there were supposed to be thousands of butterflies?” Marek’s wrinkled brow confirmed his disappointment. His two brothers and sister joined a chorus of, “I can’t believe we drove six hours to see this!”

The four adults acknowledged the relatively few butterflies, yet emphasized that the absolute . . . → Read More: The Leading Happiness Equation

How Leaders Use a Setback as Feedback

Every leader experiences obstacles and setbacks. Yet few know how to manage them well. In fact, leaders rarely speak about difficulties. We are taught to have a positive mental attitude, be upbeat, wipe off the dust and grit of the journey and move on. It’s fine to put a positive spin on a . . . → Read More: How Leaders Use a Setback as Feedback

Commanding Leaders Choose Happiness

Aristotle said, “All things we do, we do to increase our happiness.” People behave in ways they believe will increase their happiness. The figure below is a simple formula that predicts how happy you are after any setback.

Happiness = Experience – Expectations

This formula says that your level of happiness . . . → Read More: Commanding Leaders Choose Happiness