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Don’t Just Count Your Blessings…

My sister-in-law’s mom, Ruth, died last week. She had been ill for some time and required 24/7 healthcare. She spent the last week of her life calling old friends and writing thank-you notes to those who had cared for her over the last several years. It seems to me that she died . . . → Read More: Don’t Just Count Your Blessings…

Ten Tips To Improve Leadership Learning

"Dave, we need to talk about your responsibilities around here." Jack was the new director.

"Okay, what should I be doing?" My teenage voice cracked as I rubbed my sweating palms.

"I know that under Bob you had a lot of responsibilities. I heard he even gave you the . . . → Read More: Ten Tips To Improve Leadership Learning

Leadership and Unions

Do we need unions anymore?

I came across an interesting blog with varied opinions… Take a look: http://blogs.bnet.com/ceo/?p=3022&tag=nl.e713

Here’s what I think about unions AND management:

The problem with most unions is that they take responsibility for the welfare of the worker, but not their work.

The problem with many leaders is that they . . . → Read More: Leadership and Unions

Leadership Decisions, The Road, The Rocks, and…

As I leaned my Trek into the first hairpin turn, there in the middle of the mountain road, about 20 yards ahead, were two rocks. I gently squeezed my brakes and signaled my biking buddy Jim to watch out for these two loaf-of-bread-sized obstacles. We eased past the rocks and briefly discussed . . . → Read More: Leadership Decisions, The Road, The Rocks, and…

Are Generation X’ers Built to Lead?

Members of Generation X are suited for leadership according to researcher/writer Tamara J. Erickson. She states that those who came of age in the 70s and 80s responded to their parents’ idealism with practicality and self-reliance. These workers value innovation, diverse viewpoints, and hard work… all keys to leadership success according to Erickson (HarvardBusiness.org/Across . . . → Read More: Are Generation X’ers Built to Lead?