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Leader and the Wolf

What we choose to think determines how we decide to act, thereby defining our results. As a wise elder once related:

One evening an old Cherokee leader told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is . . . → Read More: Leader and the Wolf

The Four Values of Ethical Leaders

I heard the parents in the bleachers stabbing me in the back, “Why didn’t they get a real coach? What’s wrong with Jensen? Doesn’t he want to win the state championship? Why won’t he put Billy in the game?”

Their comments stung. But I stuck to my guns. We had a rule, “if you . . . → Read More: The Four Values of Ethical Leaders

The Business-Boosting Booring Presenter

The squinting audience seemed to need binoculars to read Rick’s crowded, disorganized PowerPoint slides. His monotone voice was a lullaby to heavy eyelids. Worse, he was a subject matter expert whose subject encouraged my mind to drift. Yet, when the association that hired me to speak (earlier that day) also asked me to . . . → Read More: The Business-Boosting Boring Presenter

Conquering Your Paradoxical Leadership Challenges with the eXpansive Leadership Model

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Dimensions of Leadership As complicated and difficult as your job as a leader is (at work or home), it . . . → Read More: Conquering Your Paradoxical Leadership Challenges with the eXpansive Leadership Model

Are You a Leader or Manager?

When I worked for the global giant Siemens many years ago, I reported to a boss who thought he was leading us, but Don was only managing us. He provided little inspiration, cross-functional collaboration or innovation. While he thought of us as followers, we felt like subordinates. Don didn’t realize that subordinates comply with . . . → Read More: Are You a Leader or Manager?