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How Leaders Use It and Don't Lose It

Applying the Best Ideas Presented at Your Meeting

To help leaders apply what they learn at your management meetings and retreats because the end of the meeting is the start of the journey to fulfill the purpose of the meeting.

What You Learn
Execute the strategies and tactics agreed upon at your meeting by learning to:

  • Summarize the best ideas from your meeting.
  • Use the ten keys to increasing commitment to your meeting goals.
  • Implement the three strategies required to build the belief that your team can reach your goals.
  • Apply the power of feedback to stay on track as your pursue your goals.
  • Create a personal action plan, so each leader leaves with a detailed plan to execute.

Dave did an awesome job and the evaluations confirmed that as well. Thanks for the follow-up, and I’m trying to use it so I don’t lose it.

– Tim Laugh, MS., Director,
Seton Cancer Institute and Society of Radiation Oncology Administrators

Time Frames
Keynote: 45-90 minutes
Workshop: up to 2 – 4 hours

Presentation Method
PowerPoint presentation, videos, scientific research, case studies, music, and engaging stories are carefully interwoven with audience participation and humor. The amount of group involvement increases with longer programs.