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A Tale of Two Town Hall Meetings

Two weeks after announcing a new change initiative, the CEO of a global, high-tech firm conducted a town hall (i.e., all-hands) meeting. He started the meeting by answering a few questions previously submitted by employees. When the CEO addressed one of the “negative” questions that challenged the need for the change initiative, he admonished . . . → Read More: A Tale of Two Town Hall Meetings

How Well Did the President Communicate?

Obama’s “State of the Union Speech” did not describe the state of the United States. Instead, like most presidents before him, he used the speech to outline a long list of his favorite proposals, programs and projects. And although I felt it was a very moving speech, history suggests that it (like most others) . . . → Read More: How Well Did the President Communicate?

Do Leaders Tell or Sell Their Story?

The audience of 500 senior leaders and middle managers listened as the CEO outlined the major change initiative. His grasp of the facts and details was amazing. But after 15 minutes of data, the audience drifted. The CEO lost them because he didn’t realize that to reach the mind one must go through . . . → Read More: Do Leaders Tell or Sell Their Story?

How Employees Judge Your Change Process

Research tells us that if employees don’t buy into the process of change they won’t buy into the desired outcome of the change. (1) Is it any surprise therefore, that a survey of 5,100 global business leaders by the American Management Association found that most change initiatives fail because the leaders fail to . . . → Read More: How Employees Judge Your Change Process