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A Super Goal... or Not?

The Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks will celebrate their well-earned victory for a while. Every time they, or their fans, reflect or discuss the achievement of their super goal, they will be living in the past. I’m not saying it’s bad to enjoy our victories, I am saying that when we think about goals . . . → Read More: A Super Goal… Or Not?

A Manager Who Leads?

I gripped the handlebars for the umpteenth time, clenched my teeth, took a deep breath and started spinning the mountain bike peddles furiously. I clawed my way up the steep slope, barely dodging those huge rocks on the path, bouncing over the stones that tried to rip the bike from my vice grip.

You . . . → Read More: A Manager Who Leads?

Lead by Managing Paradox in Your Goals


How well do you manage paradox in your goals?

How often do you feel pressed to accomplish more than time allows? Does senior management expect you to accomplish major goals (e.g., meet a project deadline) and then drop other “little” tasks on you (e.g., provide information for a report or serve . . . → Read More: Lead by Managing Paradox in Your Goals

Leading by Achieving ANY Goal

Would you sit in front of a campfire and say, “Give me more heat, then I’ll give you more wood.” Of course not! You need to “earn” the heat by investing your time and energy gathering the wood, lugging it back to camp, arranging it in the pit, fanning the glowing embers; then you . . . → Read More: Leading by Achieving ANY Goal

Why Leaders Say “Know” to New Year Resolutions

Many of us make those New Year resolutions, few of us keep them. We start out all fired up to lose a few extra pounds, spend less money, or spend more time with loved ones. Then something happens; we slip, we fall, we get caught up in the same old routine… In no time, . . . → Read More: Why Leaders Say “Know” to New Year Resolutions