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A Leader's Greatest Deception

Have you ever “bit off more than you could chew”?  What were the consequences of doing so? For me, the impact of taking on a project that was beyond my capability when I started my own business 20 years ago was enormous. I wasted two years developing a product that was a complete . . . → Read More: A Leader’s Greatest Deception

How to Lead Change by Managing Stability

The soapy, wet rags danced across my front windshield as I drove into the carwash. Instantly, my 90-pound German Sheppard leapt from the back to the front seat. His big brown eyes screamed at me, “Dad, what’s that?”




“It’s okay Comet.” I stroked his head as the car darkened.



. . . → Read More: How to Lead Change by Managing Stability

How to Stretch When You Feel Pulled

How Well Do You Stretch When You're Pulled?

A team leader recently lamented that the senior executives in her organization had implemented a new policy to improve the quality of information submitted. This leader applauded the effort to improve quality, but moaned that the rigid new policy was also decreasing . . . → Read More: How to Stretch When You Feel Pulled

Lead by Managing Paradox in Your Goals


How well do you manage paradox in your goals?

How often do you feel pressed to accomplish more than time allows? Does senior management expect you to accomplish major goals (e.g., meet a project deadline) and then drop other “little” tasks on you (e.g., provide information for a report or serve . . . → Read More: Lead by Managing Paradox in Your Goals

“How Is Your Leadership Approach Better?”

As I recently drove from Yale to a friend’s home in CT, my mind wandered to conversation I had with a colleague. She had asked me a wonderful and provocative question: How is your leadership approach (eXpansive Leadership Model – XLM) better than all the others? After all, there are many leadership models and . . . → Read More: “How Is Your Leadership Approach Better?”