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Is President Obama Out of Touch? How About You?

A recent article in the magazine, The Week asked if President Obama is “out of touch?” They point out that current events indicate that the answer is yes (e.g., Obamacare website, NSA bugging the phones of Germany’s Angela Merkel…).

You may or may not agree with their assessment. However, regardless of your politics, I . . . → Read More: Is President Obama Out of Touch? How About You?

Leader and the Wolf

What we choose to think determines how we decide to act, thereby defining our results. As a wise elder once related:

One evening an old Cherokee leader told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is . . . → Read More: Leader and the Wolf

Kill the Hero - Be A Leader!

What traits come to mind when you think of superheroes? (strong, selfless, honest, caring, moral…?) What do superheroes actually do with these traits? What’s their purpose?

Don’t be a hero. Be a leader!

Of course, heroes save the day. They ride into town (wearing a white hat), shoot the bad . . . → Read More: Kill the Hero. Be A Leader.