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Leading by Achieving ANY Goal

Would you sit in front of a campfire and say, “Give me more heat, then I’ll give you more wood.” Of course not! You need to “earn” the heat by investing your time and energy gathering the wood, lugging it back to camp, arranging it in the pit, fanning the glowing embers; then you . . . → Read More: Leading by Achieving ANY Goal

How Leaders Transform Core Competencies into Leadership Habits

First we make our habits, then they make us.

John Dryden – 1600’s English poet


How much of your day is spent operating according to habits? Do you have unconscious routines as you get ready for work every morning, drive to work, conduct meetings, prepare paperwork, and relax . . . → Read More: How Leaders Transform Core Competencies into Leadership Habits

Leadership Tools to Retain Employees

A friend told me that she was very disappointed that her employer was giving her less than a 1% raise this year, despite the fact that she is the best worker on the team (as determined her manager’s objective measures). Her manager apologized, but said that she had been hired near the high end . . . → Read More: Leadership Tools to Retain Employees

Why Leaders Say “Know” to New Year Resolutions

Many of us make those New Year resolutions, few of us keep them. We start out all fired up to lose a few extra pounds, spend less money, or spend more time with loved ones. Then something happens; we slip, we fall, we get caught up in the same old routine… In no time, . . . → Read More: Why Leaders Say “Know” to New Year Resolutions

How Leaders Coach for eXtraordinary Results

The process of coaching for eXtraordinary results has six steps. They are illustrated in the eXpansive Leadership Method (XLM) seen below. Let’s see how you can use these steps to coach your direct reports.

1. Know thyself & others.

The first step to a productive conversation with a high performer, especially if they . . . → Read More: How Leaders Coach for eXtraordinary Results